MWB Steve Kane presents WB Arnold Calambacan the apron, collar and jewel of a WM.

Capitol Lodge No 136 is very fortunate and proud to have as its Members the incumbent Grand Master and three (3) Past Grand Masters. They are, from L to R: MWB Steve Kane, 1995/1996; MWB Stuart Allen, 2001/2002; WB Arnold Calambacan Sr; MWB Chibu Uson, Current GM; and MWB Kris Goodmanson, 2010/2011.
Here's a picture of the Grand Lodge Officers in attendance and some of the Lodge Brethren.

Bro Cris Alip is bending the GM's ear.
Everyone joins in the circle of friendship and sings "Auld Lang Syne".
Congratulations to WB Rico Villarin, Immediate Past Master. He had a great year in the East.
Congratulations to WB Arnold Calambacan Sr on his Ascension to the East. May he have an enjoyable and fulfilling year as WM. Congratulations also to his Officers.
It was an excellent evening - wonderful Installation Ceremony, great refreshment and warm fellowship.
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