MWB Dave Love, outgoing WM, handed the gavel to the GM, who introduced the Brethren who accompanied him and acknowledged other Grand Lodge Officers already in the Lodge room.
MWB Steve Kane, Installing Master, gives a Charge to RWB Norm Lyons, incoming WM.
The new WM is seated in the East.
The new WM gives his Inaugural Address.
MWB Dave Love is presented his Past Master's Certificate. Congratulations to MWB Dave and his Officers on completing their year of serving the Lodge.
Another highlight of the evening was the presentation of a Lewis Jewel to RWB Norm Lyons, a third generation Freemason, in the presence of his wife, Wendy, and other relatives.
The GM gives his talk.
The Chaplain about to lead us in prayer during the Closing.
Great smiles from wonderful Brethren.
Front: RWB Ben Kushner
Back, L to R: Bro Dennis McQuade, MWB Chibu Uson and RWB Wendell Loewen
The Lodge Secretary/Treasurer, WB Ian Cook, showing his Christmas socks.
Taken during the Refreshment Hour.
It was an excellent evening of Ritual, Refreshment and Fellowship.
Congratulations to RWB Norm Lyons and his Officers. Wishing RWB Norm an excellent, enjoyable and fulfilling year in the East. Wishing his Officers all the best as they serve the Lodge in 2012.
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