Another five (5) Brethren from Southwestern Manitoba were also at the Lodge Meeting. However, MWB Bob McMillan missed, for the first time, this Annual Meeting as he fell and got hurt at home. (I called him the following day. He was doing well - nothing broken except soreness in the areas which were hurt.)
In the picture on the right, MWB Lon Kvasager, GM of the Grand Lodge of North Dakota and I are conversing before the dinner. We were catching up with each other on how our respective years in the Grand East were going.
DGM RWB Al Hadley joined MWB Lon and me for some conversation before the dinner.
Great picture!
L to R: RWB Al Hadley, DGM-MB; RWB Stano Spina, JGW-MB; WB Tony Telken, Sr Grand Deacon-ND; MWB Chibu Uson, GM-MB; MWB Mike Bakken, PGM-ND
The GM of ND had the last word.
WB Stephen Schefter, WM of Lebanon Lodge No 34, between the two Grand Masters (MWB Lon Kvasager on the left and MWB Chibu Uson on the right)
We met Bro Ron Duque from Zosimo Montemayor Lodge No 212, MW GL of the Philippines, who now resides in Carrington, ND. Bro Ron, wearing a Barong Tagalog, is on the right. VWB Bert Manalang, Grand Standard Bearer, Grand Lodge of Manitoba, is on the left.
Bro Ron (on the right) poses with, from L to R:
a RWB from Mound Lodge No 118; a visiting WB from Iowa; the GM of MB.
It was a great drive back to Winnipeg, where we were met with flurries upon our arrival.
It was another excellent evening of meeting old friends, making new ones and learning new things. Looking forward to next year's International Past Masters Night.
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