Nov 1st, Tuesday: Vermillion Lodge No 68, Dauphin
The first Lodge I visited this week was Vermillion Lodge No 68 in Dauphin, MB (320 to 335 kms from Winnipeg, depending on the route) on November 1st, Tuesday. A little before 2 PM, the Grand Secretary, MWB Ted Jones, and I started almost 4-hr drive to Dauphin via The Narrows. This route is about 1/2 hr shorter than going on H/W 16. With the excellent driving conditions, however, we arrived in Dauphin at 5:15 PM. As the dinner was at 6:30 PM, we decided to look at what the Dauphin Mall had to offer. So we window shopped at The Source and marveled at the numerous electronic products on display. Prices of laptops, desktops, GPS's and others have surely dropped significantly. But MWB Ted and I successfully resisted the urge to buy anything.
We had an wonderful dinner with the Brethren (there was a very good turnout).
We made a new Freemason and honored a senior one during that excellent Meeting.
I got home at around 2:15 AM but MWB Ted had to drive for another 45 minutes before he got home.
It was a very wonderful evening of visiting a Lodge and warm fellowship with the Brethren.
Nov 2nd, Wednesday: Beaver Ionic Lodge No 25, Winnipeg
The second Lodge I visited this week was Beaver Ionic Lodge No 25, on Nov 2nd, Wednesday. I joined some of the Lodge Brethren for dinner prior to the Lodge Opening. Here are some pictures taken of the Brethren prior to the Lodge.
Some of the Appointed Officers who joined the Official Visit are, L to R: VWB Rudy Maraña, Junior Grand Deacon; VWB Denis Lorteau, Grand Sword Bearer; VWB Bert Manalang, Grand Standard Bearer; and VWB Ron Hall, Grand Pursuivant.
Presenting a 50-year service medal to WB Joe Lowry.
Presenting a 50-year service medal to VWB Barry McCallum.
RWB Sid Bloomfield, WM of Beaver Ionic Lodge No 25, presenting WB Joe Lowry his 50-year service pin.
RWB Sid Bloomfield, WM of Beaver Ionic Lodge No 25, presenting VWB Barry McCallum his 50-year service pin.
WB Gord Sumka presenting a RAM jewel to WB Kevin Michayluk, WM of St John's Lodge No 4. A RAM jewel is presented to a RAM Member during his term as WM of a Lodge. The said jewel can be worn during his term.
Beaver Ionic Lodge No 25 made a surprise presentation of their donation of $8,500 to the Manitoba Masonic Foundation. The donated funds were directed to the Transportation Service Program of the Masons Care Committee. What a wonderful surprise!
WB Don Murray (on the Right), WM of Acacia Lodge No 111, presenting to RWB Sid Bloomfield (on the Left), WM of Beaver Ionic Lodge No 25, the Traveling Gavel of the 13th Masonic District.
L to R: Bro Harold Stacey, WM-Elect; MWB Chibu Uson, GM; RWB Peter Clarke, JW & Toastmaster of the evening; RWB Sid Bloomfield, WM; and WB Wayne Hadfield, Grand Organist.
The Brethren during the Refreshment Hour.
Another wonderful evening of visiting a Lodge and warm fellowship.
Nov 4th, Friday: Winnipeg River Lodge No 154, Lac du Bonnet
The third Lodge I visited this week was Winnipeg River Lodge No 25. On Nov 4th, Friday, I rode with VWB Jun Pagunuran, VWB Bert Manalang, VWB Rudy Maraña and WB John Baptista. We saw a number of deer by the side of the highway on the way to and from Lac du Bonnet.
WB John Baptista presented me with a specially made mug as a souvenir of my visit to the Lodge.
WB John Baptista talking with L to R: RWB Al Hadley, DGM; RWB Fred Heinrichs (with back to camera); and RWB Doug Webster, SGW.
With WM John Baptista and the visiting Brethren.
VWB Jun Pagunuran trying out the camera of the WM.
MWB Ted Jones, Grand Secretary conversing with WB Nat Fenton, Lodge Treasurer.
Now, what is it you want?
Traveling companions this evening, L to R: VWB Jun Pagunuran, Past Grand Tyler; MWB Chibu Uson, GM; WB John Baptista, WM of Winnipeg River Lodge no 154; VWB Bert Manalang, Grand Standard Bearer; and VWB Rudy Maraña, Junior Grand Deacon.
Conversing with WB Mel Mitchell, who is very active in community service for the area, being involved with Ducks Unlimited and Lions Club.
Preparing for the repast.
The drive back to Winnipeg was uneventful.
Another very wonderful evening visiting a Lodge and enjoying the warm fellowship with Brethren.
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