On September 26, Monday, 20 Freemasons received the Honorary Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees conferred by Winipeg Chapter, the first DeMolay Chapter outside the U.S.A. and which made DeMolay an international organization. We became members of the Russell L Wiginton Chapter, named after the first Master Councilor of Winnipeg Chapter. The Senior DeMolays in attendance both stated that this is the biggest class they have witnessed to come into a Chapter.
In these pictures, the DeMolays are setting up the Chapter.
Exit of the Officers at the Closing of the Chapter.

The 20 new Honorary DeMolays with the Active DeMolays, who put on an excellent Conferral of the Initiatory and DeMolay Degrees. It felt a bit weird to be conferred the Degrees by younger men, some of whom are our sons or whom we have known since they were small kids.
In this picture, we are joined by the three (3) Senior DeMolays, all of them PMC's, present, Dave English, Kevin Lysholm and Don Alvarez.
It was a wonderful experience to actually be a Candidate in the Ceremonies, which I have seen numerous times. Now my son is also my DeMolay Brother.
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