WB Glenn Gilos offered a Toast to the GM.
The GM responding to the Toast.
Bro Neil Navarro (L) and WB Glenn Gilos (R)
Presenting WB Jim Riley with his 65-yr Service Award Jewel
Thank you, WB Jim, for 65 years of service to our Fraternity.
Presenting RWB Mel Cable with his 50-yr Service Award Jewel
Thank you, RWB Mel, for 50 years of service to our Craft.
Giving RWB Mel Cable his Lewis Jewel
Presenting VWB George Strange his 50-yr Service Award Jewel
Thank you, VWB George, for 50 years of service to Freemasonry.
Also there to honor the Service Awardees were the Ladies of Wheat City Lodge No 168
RWB Stano Spina, JGW, giving his remarks.
The GM giving his remarks
It was a wonderful evening of honoring the Service Awardees - excellent dinner, meeting and fellowship.
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