The 30th Annual Conference of Grand and District Grand Lodges of Canada was held from March 30 to 31, 2012 in Winnipeg. The 10 Grand Masters and one (1) District Grand Master are shown on the picture in the right.

The Conference President, MWB Garry Dowling, GM of Canada in the Province of Ontario.

The 2012 Conference Executive, from L to R: MWB Steve Kane, PGM - Manitoba, Secretary; MWB Garry Dowling, GM - Canada in the Province of Ontario, President; MWB Chibu Uson, GM - Manitoba, Vice President; MWB Terry Shand, PGM & Grand Secretary 0 Canada in the Province of Ontario, Treasurer

The nine (9) Deputy Grand Masters in attendance.

The nine (9) Grand Secretaries who attended this year.

As in previous Conferences, we also had Observers.

MWB Bill Cave, GM - BC & Yukon (2nd from Right), presents a check donation for the Canadian Museum of Human Rights (CMHR) to a representative of CMHR with MWB Kris Goodmanson, IPGM - Manitoba (L) and MWB Chibu Uson, GM - Manitoba (R).

RWB Owen Devereaux, District Grand Master - District of Newfoundland & Labrador, GL of Scotland, presents a check for CMHR.
The Conference at work.
The President of the 2013 Conference, RWB David Roth, DGM - Alberta.
The Conference at refreshment.
RWB Larry Grandy, GS - NF & Labrador, making his point.
Another Grand Secretary, RWB Jerry Kopp, GL of Alberta, making his point. The 2012 Conference President, MWB Garry Dowling, GM - Canada in the Province of Alberta, listening.
MWB Terry Shand, Grand Secretary - Canada in the Province of Ontario

RWB Jerry Kopp, GS - Alberta, curious about the plants with RWB John Slade, JGW - Alberta, looking on.
It's not a hair transplant but it might work, RWB Jerry.
Everyone had an excellent time at the Conference. The presentations and discussions were wonderful. The accommodations, food and refreshments were great. The fellowship was warm. Until we meet again, Distinguished and Esteemed Brethren.
Nice post. Thanks for sharing.
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