Installed as the 2012 Queen was Patti Hillier.
In this picture, Installing Queen Joy Derhak presents newly installed Queen Patti Hillier. Junior Past Queen Darlene Brooks is standing behind the two.
L to R: Queen Patti Hillier; JPQ Darlene Brooks; and PQ Lindsey Lorteau, Member of the Action Team Committee.
Installing Queen Joy Derhak
Installing Marshal Marcy Saunders, PQ (R) presenting Princess Carol Hadley to be installed as the Princess Recorder.
JPQ Darlene Brooks presents a copy of the DON Ritual to Queen Patti Hillier.
Past Queen Lindsey Lorteau, President of the Past Queen`s Association presenting the Past Queens in attendance.
Queen Patti Hillier gives her remarks.
Members of the Divan and their Ladies.
Lady Hope Rosenbaum presents her gift to Queen Patti Hillier while Illustrious Sir Harry Rosenbaum watches.
It was the first time that the GM forgot a paper copy of his talk. Thank goodness, he was able to access it on his cellphone. It is great when technology works.
The Sphinx Temple Choir.
It was an excellent evening - wonderful Installation Ceremonies and warm fellowship.
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