Monday, August 22, 2011

Midwest Conference of Grand Lodges, Minneapolis, MN - August 12 to 14

We had an excellent time at the Midwest Conference of Grand Lodges in Minneapolis, MN. The representatives of the nine (9) states and one (1) province (that's Manitoba) held their annual meeting at The Northland Inn in Minneapolis, MN from August 12 to 14. This year, there was no church service on Sunday morning to allow the attendees to leave as early as they want.

The Conference started with a dinner on August 12, Friday. Here is a picture of the Manitoba table, less the official photographer, Lady Val.

Here is a picture of the same table, less the JGW, RWB Stano Spina, who took the picture so Lady Val can be in the picture.
We were entertained that evening by a magician, who at one point in his performance, had RWB Stano as his equally entertaining assistant.

The following pictures were taken during the Ladies Program on Friday. While the Brethren met, the Ladies went on a tour of the Masonic Home and attended a Cancer Center presentation.

The Ladies also spent a few hours at the Mall of America where they walked around and had lunch. Some of them were able to shop.

The presentations of the various Jurisdictions on Friday were very interesting and educational. There was also a presentation by MWB Bob Stevens, Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Michigan, on the use of technology in their operations and in communications.
MWB Earl Washburn, Executive Director of the National Masonic Foundation for Children, also gave a presentation about the Masonic Model Student Assistance Program (MMSAP). More information about this wonderful program can be found at
RWB Bob Guthrie of Oklahoma was the keynote speaker on Friday afternoon. He was also the speaker at the Friday evening banquet. Both talks were excellent and received very well by all.

Here is a picture of the Kansas Grand Lodge Officers and Ladies with Lady Mae and me.

This is a picture of the table of our SGW, RWB Doug Webster, his Lady Val, our JGW, RWB Stano Spina, his Lady Linda and their table mates.
This the table of our DGM, RWB Al Hadley, his Lady Carol, our Grand Secretary, MWB Ted Jones, his Lady Shirley and their dinner companions.

 RWB Brian Beermann, DGM of the the Grand Lodge (Minnesota), facilitated the Conference and the banquet, in lieu of MWB Tom Hendrickson, who had a family commitment during the Conference.
Entertainment was provided by The Too People, great duo singing hits from the 70's and earlier.

Great pictures of some very lovely couples at the banquet.


An excellent Conference - great presentations, fantastic entertainment and wonderful fellowship.
Old friendships renewed, new friendships made, and lots of great memories.

Thanks to Lady Carol and Lady Val for the great pictures.

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