Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Congratulations, RWB & Illustrious Sir Harry Rosenbaum, 2012 Potentate & CEO, Khartum Shriners

On January 19. 2012, I attended the Stated Meeting of Khartum Shriners. That evening, Noble Harry Rosenbaum was elected as the Potentate & CEO of Khartum Shriners for 2012. The new Potentate and I are both proud members of the Khartum Komedians, the clown unit of Khartum. He was also instrumental in my getting on the officers line of the Winnipeg Lodge of Perfection, AASR. He is a PDDGM of the 13th Masonic District, one of the Districts I belong to. He is also a 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason.
On Saturday, unfortunately, due to severe coughing and flu-like symptoms, I was unable to attend the Installation Ceremonies of Khartum. Hence, Lady Mae and I missed witnessing the ascension of Illustrious Sir Harry to the highest position in Khartum. It was a long road to being Potentate as it took 10 years for Illustrious Sir Harry to get to this very exciting chapter in his Shrine life.
Lady Mae and I also missed the Potentate's Reception. The Deputy Grand Master, RWB Al Hadley and his Lady Carol ably represented  at the Reception Line. They joined Illustrious Sir Harry and his Lady Hope in receiving the Nobles and their Ladies, representatives of the Masonic Bodies and their spouses, family and friends.
Since I was still not feeling well in the evening, Lady Mae and I were not able to join the Dinner with the new Potentate, the Divan and their Ladies. Again, RWB Al and Lady Carol represented Lady Mae and me.
Congratulations to Illustrious Sir Harry. I wish him an excellent and fulfilling year as Potentate & CEO of Khartum. All the best to Lady Hope as the 2012 First Lady of Khartum. Congratulations and best wishes to the Divan Members & their Ladies. I am sure that all of them will do their very best to continue to make a positive difference in the lives of the Shrine Children and their families.

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