On January 23, 2012, Monday, the 13th Masonic District held their Annual Meeting, presided by DDGM RWB Earl Glinter. We had a reasonably good turnout from the five (5) Lodges in the District. After the District business was conducted, VWB Gord Greasley presented this year's JRC Evans Memorial Lecture. It was my fourth time to hear that wonderful paper which VWB Gord presented from memory. I learn something new every time I hear this Lecture. As far as I know, this is one of the very few JRC Evan Memorial Lectures which has been presented from memory. Well, VWB Gord is an excellent ritualist, both in Lodge and in Scottish Rite. So it is no surprise that he is doing very, very well as the JRC Evans Memorial Lecturer for the Masonic Year 2011/2012.

During my talk, I called on MWB Kris Goodmanson to present him a Blood Brother Pin. MWB Kris has made 68 blood donations. Because of a trip to Mexico last year, he has been disqualified for donating for a certain period of time. He can resume donating in February and plans to donate at the same time that I will make my 3rd donation.
L to R: DGM RWB Al Hadley; GM MWB Chibu Uson; 13th Masonic DDGM RWB Earl Glinter; JGW RWB Stano Spina; Grand Secretary MWB Ted Jones

Here are some pictures taken during the wonderful Repast, where the Fellowship was very warm.

All in all, everyone had an excellent and enjoyable evening.
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