The Manitoba Masonic Family joined the Khartum Shriners in the Selkirk Parade on July 16, Saturday. It was an excellent parade. The weather was wonderful and the participants were awesome.

The vehicle with the Grand Master led the Manitoba Masonic Family's portion.
The Deputy GM and Senior Grand Warden followed in their respective Cancer Care vans.

We then had representatives from the other Bodies of the Manitoba Masonic Family follow in a trailer beautifully decorated by Debbie Clairmont, Junior Past Queen of Sphinx Temple No 116, Daughters of the Nile. She has been dubbed "Grand Decorator".
The various units of the Kharum Shriners led by Illustrious Sir Gary Saunders, Potentate & CEO, then wowed those watching along the parade route.
Looking forward to next year when I can join this parade as a proud member of the Khartum Komedians.
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