The Filipino-Canadian Cabletow Service Club Inc held a fellowship dinner in my honor at the residence of the Club President, Bro William Tam, and Sis Irma Tan. This is Bro William's third term as President so he already knows the what, when, where, how and why of the Club. Here is a picture of the lovely Presidential couple sometime during the event.

The organizing committee for the dinner was very ably chaired by WB Nat de Guia, shown in this picture.

Like a typical Filipino-Canadian gathering, there was a lot of food - sumptuous and tasty. Nobody was dieting that evening.
I gave a few words as a response to the gracious Toast to me.

I was humbled to be made an Honorary Member of the Club. The President also gave me my Club pin.

Sis Mae gave the response to the Toast to the Ladies.

Karaoke time - with live guitar accompaniment.

MWB Terrry Shand, PGM and a Cabletow Honorary Member, signing the poster. The newly-Installed DGM, RWB Don Campbell, patiently waits for his turn.

Group picture of the Brethren.
Group picture of the couples and some.

Here is a picture of the event chairman, WB Nat de Guia, thanking the committee members and the Cabletow members for helping make the evening a very successful one.

More singing - this time it is from a visiting Kuyang.
We do love to sing, specially with the good oldies.
It was cozy under the canopy.
The other canopy had beautiful lights.
My lovely wife, Sis Mae, with Kuyang Dansoy, newly designated DDGML (Dikit nang Dikit sa Grand Master's Lady).
Thank you very much, Officers & Brethren of The Filipino-Canadian Cabletow Service Club Inc, for all the courtesies extended to Sis Mae and me. You have made our visit to Toronto (Sis Mae's first) very memorable. We look forward to visiting you again in the near future.
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