It was an excellent morning for a parade -very much worth waking up early and driving four (4) hours from Winnipeg to Dauphin. Perfect weather, great crowd, wonderful participants and warm fellowship.
Here are some pictures before proceeding to the form-up area.
What a beautiful float put up by the Dauphin Shrine Club.
Here are pictures of the other parade participants.
Here come the Khartum Shriners! Riding the convertible is Illustrious Sir Gary Saunders, Potentate.
Noble/RWB Joel Segal, Outer Guard of Khartum, in the Shrine Stop Burn Injuries (SBI) van.
The Dauphin Shrine Club put up a beautiful colored float.
The Brandon Shrine Club Car Patrol wowed the crowd with their cute little cars.
Following are pictures taken during the oasis after the parade. Thanks to Noble Darren Carlson and the Dauphin Shrine Club Nobles & Ladies for a wonderful fellowship and all the courtesies extended to the Grand Lodge Officers (DGM RWB Al Hadley and Grand Standard Bearer VWB Bert Manalang) and Lady Carol, who went to Dauphin for the parade.
It was a great start to the August long weekend.
Thanks to Lady Carol Hadley for taking the pictures with my rundown camera and to VWB Bert Manalang for being my travelling companion to Dauphin and back.