Bro Noel Regalado gave an excellent presentation of the JW's Lecture.
The Lodge also honored the Lodge Brethren serving as GL Officers for 2012/2013. These are: MWB Ted Jones, Grand Secretary; RWB Junn Manalang, Grand DofC; MWB Chibu Uson, IPGM; RWB Reyne Cruz, BGP; and RWB John Baptista, BGP.
After the Lodge was closed, the Ladies and other visitors were called into the Lodge for the first presentation of this year's JRC Evans Lecture by VWB Richard Lacoursiere, WM of Northern Light Prince Rupert's Lodge No1. The topic was "Freemasonry, whither are you directing your course?"
Afterward, we had a Rizal Night celebration. Bro Peter Ching gave a very entertaining and informative talk about Bro Dr Jose Rizal. The Refreshment Hour was managed very well by our JW, Bro Noel Regalado.
There were various photo ops. Here are some of those.
I guess being senior has some benefits. You get to sit in front and you get a close up picture.
I wonder what world problem these Brethren are discussing. I hope they solved at least one.
Our newest addition to the list of RW's, RWB John Baptista. Congratulations on being elected to the GL Board of General Purposes. He will serve for a term of three (3) years.
One of our always-smiling Brethren, with his very charming smile.
Watch how many Brethren are added to the group.
Thank goodness that there were only two (2) cameras there. Otherwise, the group would have gotten much bigger with every picture taken.
The new EA's Mentor, Bro Rey Galapon, writing his contact info and maybe some instructions to the new EA's.
L to R: VWB Rudy Maraña; VWB Jun Pagunuran; RWB John Baptista; and VWB Ben Gasmeña
Did you notice that the group got bigger since the previous picture?
I hope they have solved at least one world problem.
WB Glenn Baggao indicating that they solved two (2) world problems.
Is WB Cris Alip indicating five (5) or is he just waving?
Our smiling WM, WB Cris Alip, with rolled up sleeves ready to lead the Lodge Brethren working in the quarries this year.
Our new EA's, L to R: Bro Jopay Pelayo; Bro Tony Bantados; and Bro Bernie Llorente, Jr.
Bro Rey Galapon (L) with Bro Dexter Lacanilao, who yesterday was called and admitted to the Bar of the Law Society of Manitoba. Congratulations, Bro Attorney Dexter! Well done!
The Lodge will be in darkness in July and August but there are some Lodge events during those months - the 4th Annual Lodge Golf Tournament on July 15; the 4th Annual Lodge Summer Outing/Camping from August 3 to 5. And, I'm sure, there will be impromptu picnics and social gatherings throughout the summer.