The summer of 2012 has come and gone. As usual, it was quite busy and went by very quickly.
June 24, Sunday - Installation of Bethel 9, Job's Daughters
On June 25, Monday, I stopped by The Forks and saw the
Canadian Museum of Human Rights being built.
We attended the debut of Jasmine Lapiña, the youngest daughter of Sis Espie & RWB Neil Lapiña. It was held at the Victoria Inn on June 30. We cancelled our annual holiday at a resort to attend the debut. Our short visit to NY/NJ in mid-June to attend Anna's graduation served as our 2012 annual holiday.
We had lunch at Hap's Pub & Restaurant.
The historical Hotel Kenricia on Main Street opened in 1883. It is currently boarded up but there are some initiatives to convert part or all of it to condominiums.
Here is a picture of a ship offering a cruise of The Lake of the Woods.
Dinner was at the Plaza, a Greek restaurant on Main Street. It was the highlight of our short visit to Kenora, ON.
On July 8, Sunday, the 3rd Annual Ben Harnish Memorial Baseball Fun Day was hosted by the Widows Sons. There was a good number of kids and representatives from the various Masonic Bodies. Well, even the adults had a lot of fun.
Here is a picture taken on July 9, Monday, during one of the evening walks my daughter and I had. This was taken from the corner of Inkster Blvd and King Edward Street.
On July 21, Saturday, I put on clown makeup and wore my costume to participate in the Morris Parade with the Khartum Shriners. It's been a while since I put on makeup.
With JGW RWB Ron Church (L) and DGM RWB Doug Webster (C).
With Lady Hope Rosenbaum, First Lady of Khartum Shriners.
On July 29, Saturday, Fil-Can Cabletow Lodge No 189 had another summer picnic. This was at Kildonan Park.
As usual, there were lots of cameras and pictures taken.
The Lodge picnic was the last event for July.
Thus ends the journal for the first two (2) months of the wonderful summer of 2012.
Here are some pictures of and notes about most of those events.
June 23, Saturday - Wedding of Jim Manalang (son of RWB Junn M) and Danielle
June 24, Sunday - Installation of Bethel 9, Job's Daughters
On June 25, Monday, I stopped by The Forks and saw the
Canadian Museum of Human Rights being built.
The historical Hotel Kenricia on Main Street opened in 1883. It is currently boarded up but there are some initiatives to convert part or all of it to condominiums.

With JGW RWB Ron Church (L) and DGM RWB Doug Webster (C).
With Lady Hope Rosenbaum, First Lady of Khartum Shriners.
The Lodge picnic was the last event for July.
Thus ends the journal for the first two (2) months of the wonderful summer of 2012.